Welding course for artists and designers. 18 hrs. 4th, 5th y 6th April 2025.

Valencia. Last spot available. 4th, 5th & 6th April.

Last spot available!

April. Friday 4th from 5 to 9 pm, Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th from 10 am to 6 pm (with a one-hour lunch break).

Promotional price €290

Intensive introductory course to the world of metal and welding, where the student will learn a variety of techniques for working with industrial iron, and in 3 days will be able to build a sculpture or design object.

Course objective• Welding techniques, metal construction and safe practice in the workshop.• Development of a personal project in sculpture or metal design.

What the course consists of:

Day 1: Introduction to safe practice and the use of tools in the workshop. Metal preparation and finishing processes. Introduction to welding technique, procedures and practice. Lots of practice to gain confidence!

Day 2 and 3: Discussion of personal projects, if you have them and if not, we think about it together. You will have the possibility of carrying out a personal project under Silvina's supervision. Students with advanced levels will be able to develop their personal projects

What you will learn: In this course you will receive an introduction to safe practice and the use of tools within the workshop space. Metal preparation and finishing techniques. Introduction to the electrode arc welding technique and MIG process. Different positions and types of joints. You will acquire the skills and confidence necessary to carry out your own projects in the future.

No previous experience is necessary. The flexible dynamics of the courses and the small number of students allows an individualized approach to each one.

To reserve your place contact via email at artsoriasilvina@gmail.com or by phone at +34 684465148. 

You can contact me for private classes if you need them on a particular date.

Essential: Cotton or fireproof clothing. You must have your entire body covered, especially arms and neck. Long pants. Strong, closed shoes (ideally with a metal toe cap but not mandatory). Hair tied back.

Photos courtesy of Miracle García Martínez.

290.00 € 390.00 €