Workshops. Cursos y seminarios. Retiros de Arte

Nuevas fechas y nuevas propuestas para el 2025

 10% extra al invitar a un amigo.

¡Estos cursos tienen algo para todos! Si eres una persona deseosa de explorar tu lado creativo, una empresa en busca de una experiencia de team building única o una organización que busca un impacto social a través del arte, contáctanos y le daremos forma a tus necesidades. 

Reservas Online 

Reserva tu sesión aquí. Te confirmaremos vía correo electrónico. 

Si tienes alguna duda, llámanos al +34 684 465148

Proyectos Sociales.

Talleres para Mujeres refugiadas. Asociación Maria Luisa de Marillac.

Propuesta de autogestión. Espacio de distensión a través de recursos artísticos para la canalización de emociones, de sociabilización para fomentar la integración social y de empoderamiento para mujeres.

Talleres para Mujeres refugiadas. Proyecto La nostra ciutat, el teu refugi de Accem, CEAR y Ajuntament de Valencia/

Convocada. Desarrollo y dinamización de talleres creativos para mujeres refugiadas. Producción de revista anual con documentación gráfica de los talleres. Valencia/2019.

¡Cualquier momento es bueno para empezar!  

Clases personalizadas para que aprendas a tu ritmo y puedas crear tus propias piezas de joyería o incursionar en el mundo del arte. Si quieres practicar tu inglés, español o italiano de una manera más divertida y creativa, hacemos la clase en el idioma que elijas..

Valencia, Barcelona, Londres, Cerdeña.                                                              Clases  online (todo el año) o presenciales con materiales. 

Contáctame para averiguar días y horarios o por cualquier otra consulta que puedas tener. Para coordinar cursos intensivos especiales en algún otro lugar del mundo, no dudes en contactarme. ¡Siempre tengo mi maleta lista para viajar!

*Una vez que me hayas contactado, tendremos una videollamada para discutir la mejor opción.



Welding for Artists course. July 2022

What a fabulous 3 days. Within the hour of starting we were all melting metal. We rapidly explored cutting, bending, grinding, polishing and mig, and for those who wanted it, stick welds. Silvina is a smooth, confident and cheerful facilitator and she kept us safe and motivated with short team tasks on the first day and individual projects on the following 2 days. It was tiring , but it was the well earnt sort of tiring ! We all left with a 'something we made' that captured the mistakes then successes of our move from novice to welding with so much more confidence. Thank you to all involved.


Welding for Artists course. May 2022

This course was excellent. The tutor got us working safely straight away, and then increased our awareness of Health & Safety as the course went on, rather than starting off with ALL of the H&S things you have to think about when working with metal & machinery & electricity & molten mild steel! Why does that matter - well, because arc welding & angle grinders chucking out sparks & the like can look very intimidating, and this was a great way to build confidence to work safely first, rather than spending a couple of hours on all the H&S considerations, which were brought in as we went along. The tutor always expected more of us, so we would get more out of the course - "Do it again" - so we did. I had had 1 introductory go at welding before, & been a bit timid with it - not after this. Strongly recommend.


Drawing with Steel course. June 2022

I attended the Drawing with steel workshop with Silvina Soria last weekend and would like to feedback that the workshop far exceeded my expectations. Silvina was extremely knowledgeable and very generous with sharing her knowledge, making sure the personal needs of each single participant was accurately met. I had no previous experience of MIG welding and I feel I was given in a short space of time enough guidance and practice to carry on building on newly acquired skills in my on time (in the near future) in open access studio sessions. I could not recommend highly enough this workshop led by the most professional, efficient and friendly teacher. "


Drawing with Steel course. May 2018

This was very interesting & enjoyable. All the attendees came away with intriguing artifacts & had a good trial with the techniques & skills involved. No one had done any welding & all got to grips with it. Also, a friendly, diverse bunch of people & Silvina was an excellent guide. Many thanks.


Drawing with Steel course. December 2021

Excellent course with lots of one-to-one supervision and support. Recommended!


Jewellery making. Wax carving. October 2021

Silvina is a knowledgeable teacher with lots of patience. She can help you with specific techniques in jewelry making and guide you along as learn. It's a great experience to learn from her.